Our products

Fruit jams can boast the denomination "extra" due to its high fruit content (over 60%). The product is certified organic AIAB, not therefore it contains neither colorings, nor preservatives, nor pectins thickeners, and is obtained with exclusively local fruit with addition of cane sugar.
Fruit: g. 115 for each
100 of sugar (340 g jar)

Tomatoes, peppers and courgettes in oil, salted olives, tomato sauce, pickled onions. Vegetables come from natural crops, processed as soon as they are picked, without additives and preservatives. After a rigorous selection, only the healthiest products are sliced and carefully processed by hand, acidified with sour wine vinegar and potted with the use of olive oil.

Garfagnana IGP SPELL The oldest known cereal is still grown today using traditional methods, which exploit the exceptional adaptability of this plant and do not require the use of any chemical products. a grass, with an erect stem and
  resistant and with a linear leaf, which grows in mountain areas.
It differs from the classic cultivated wheats because it keeps the
dressed kernels (covered with glume and glumette) at the end
threshing. For the elimination of external casings one is required
  subsequent "undressing", (glaring) inconvenience which, together with the
low yields, has over time caused the almost abandonment of the crop,
continued only in marginal areas

Farro della Garfagnana has received the IGP recognition (Protected Geographical Indication).

THE FLOURS STONE MILLS: Garfagnana flours Coop commercializes are ground within the plant with stone mill powered by solar energy: flour of
maize, spelled flour, wheat flour, flour chestnuts. To highlight the sweet flour of chestnuts or flour of Neccio, is one of the typical products of Garfagnana.
Here indeed still prized chestnuts are collected that are dried for a period of about 40 days, in the traditional metati fed by slow fire of the chestnut logs. After a thorough cleaning a hand, the chestnuts are ground in the stone mill. That is how, only after the first of December of each year, the neccio flour of the
Garfagnana sees the light. This is the time it takes to be able to fully appreciate the characteristic organoleptic qualities.
There Formenton flour eight rows of Garfagnana comes from the stone grinding of an ancient variety of corn that still today it is cultivated in restricted areas of the Garfagnana with a technique craftsmanship that still requires manual collection and cob drying. The flour thus obtained has one more intense conformation and the polenta has characteristics particularly excellent.

Customizable baskets
Both  private customers that companies can compose their own basket of Christmas enriching it with the typical products of our company and neighboring companies of typical products selected by us. Each basket will be tailor-made for you: completely customizable and packaged by hand.
An original and delicious gift idea, with all the quality of the garfagnana craft products, at an advantageous price.